- 品番
- B-050-2
- 発行年月
- 2009年11月
- 著者
- (財)水島地域環境再生財団(みずしま財団)
- 仕様
- A4版11ページ
- 価格
- 本体350円+税
公益財団法人 水島地域環境再生財団
〒712-8033 岡山県倉敷市水島東栄町11-12
TEL 086-440-0121
FAX 086-446-4620
Air pollution 3page
・What is air pollution?
・Effect of air pollution on health
・The situation in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture
The actual status of damage as clarified from 501 patients(victims of air-pollution) 5page
・501 is an unprecedented cohort for such an investigation
・Pollution continues:the ongoing presence of patients designated as pollution victims
・Pain of the patient:for 24 hours, 365days per year
・The average life expectancy is low, on average shortened by 5 years in men and 7 years in women
・Aggravated illness:respiratory illness and aging
・About the meaning, problems, and new efforts of this investigation
Health damage caused by pollution, clarified by autopsy cases 9page
・Understanding more detailed pathophysiological conditions from autopsy case studies
・Analysis of pulmonary emphysema and lung cancer
・More pulmonary emphysema in morbid-anatomy than in clinical diagnoses
・Increased incidence of lung cancer among pollution-affected
patients,indicating an assciation between lung cancer and air pollution
・Further subjects of future investigation: effects of benzene and PM2.5 on health